New Items!

Lockplate Starter clutch nut. Fits all Harley Big Twin with kickstart 1915-up OEM Ref no: 33396-39 & 2149-39 New reproduction
25 SEK
Shaft rear exhaust cam Harley WL UL G models 1937-73 (pump drive) New reproduction.
600 SEK
Breather seal ring Harley 45" twin 1932-36 OEM Ref no: 551-32 New reproduction. Sold Each
480 SEK
Nut 5/16"-18 x 17/64" x 1/2" Hex, Park OEM: 0111 Sold each
30 SEK
Washer flat 3/8" x 1" x 7/64" Zinc, NOS OEM: 6408HB Sold each
37.50 SEK
Red taillight lens all Harley models 1920-38, early type OEM ref no: 5054-20 New reproduction
580 SEK
Choke Lever Lock Screw Schebler DLX & Linkert 1924-65 Only fits models that has choke lever with lock screw. OEM ref no: 1234-24
100 SEK
Thor clutch steel drive disc Measurements: Large OD= 6.375", Small OD= 6.125", Thickness= 0.0625", ID= 4.0625", width of teeth= 0.845" New reproduction
525 SEK
Thor steel clutch plate with holes drilled for linings Measurements: OD= 6.125", Thickness= 0.0625", Small ID= 3.8125", Large ID= 4.0625", width of teeth= 0.777" New reproduction
525 SEK
Thor clutch springs, set of 11 Measurement of spring: Length: 5/8" (15,87mm), OD: 13/32" (10,32mm), ID: 0.242" (6,15mm) Nytillverkade
825 SEK
Idler Gear Stud Bushing 1932-69 all twins 1932-73 45" twins & 1930-31 VL Sold each New reproduction. OEM ref no: 620-30 & 25785-30
165 SEK
Spotlight Clamp, for mounting on 1" tube, Indian Chief & Four, Cad Hole is 0.406" ~10,31mm New reproduction.
269 SEK
Front Fork Excelsior 1912-14 New reproduction made in Sweden OEM ref no: 2539 Because of the size of this item the shipping cost can be high and can vary greatly depending on your…
36,000 SEK
Cylinder Head Plug Washers Harley J JD 1911-24. Nickel plated. OEM Ref: 0233 One Pair
225 SEK
Rear Axle Washers Harley Single & 45" 1926-31, outside frame. Nickel plated. OEM Ref: 0233 One Pair
225 SEK
Rear Axle Washers Harley J JD 1915-29, outside frame. Nickel plated. OEM Ref: 4003-14 One Pair
225 SEK


Quality Testing

Model 8A 1912



